Ad Agency On Subscription Pricing - Everything you need to know in 2023

In today's digital age, businesses are constantly looking for new and effective advertising strategies to reach their target audience. Ad agencies have long been providing expert guidance and execution of marketing campaigns. However, agency models are evolving, with many ad agencies now offering subscription-based services. In this blog post, we will dive into the fascinating world of ad agencies on subscription, exploring their pricing models and the benefits they offer to businesses.

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What are Advertising Agencies?

Advertising agencies are professional service providers that specialize in creating and executing marketing campaigns on behalf of businesses and various organizations. These agencies work closely with their clients to understand their target audience, brand messaging, and marketing goals. With a team of experts in various areas, advertising agencies develop creative and impactful advertisements across different channels, including television, radio, print, and digital platforms. Their primary objective is to help businesses reach their target market effectively, build brand awareness, and drive customer engagement. Advertising agencies guide companies through and deliver campaigns that capture attention, convey messages, and ultimately contribute to the growth and success of their client's businesses.

How Advertising Agencies Charge Their Clients?

Advertising agencies use various methods to bill their clients. Let's explore some common ways ad agencies charge their clients:

1. Retainer Fee 

Many agencies work on a retainer basis, where clients pay a fixed monthly fee for a set scope of services. This approach ensures ongoing support and availability from the agency throughout the agreed-upon period. Retainer fees are commonly used for long-term partnerships and allow businesses to budget their advertising costs effectively. For a fixed retainer, you get a set scope of services or a set amount of working hours from the agency. If you want to cancel the contract before expiration, it will require you to pay additional fees.

2. Project-Based Pricing

For specific campaigns or projects, ad agencies may charge a project-based fee. In this approach, the agency estimates the time and resources required to complete the project and charges a fixed amount accordingly. Project-based pricing is suitable when businesses have distinct advertising needs or prefer a one-time payment structure.

3. Hourly Rate

Some agencies charge their clients based on an hourly rate. They track the time spent on various tasks, such as strategy development, creative design, and campaign management, and bill the client accordingly. Hourly rates provide a transparent breakdown of the agency's work and can be beneficial for clients who require flexibility or have unpredictable advertising needs.

4. Commission-Based 

In certain cases, advertising agencies may earn a commission based on the media spend or results achieved. This model is common when the agency handles media buying on behalf of the client. The agency receives a percentage of the total media expenditure or a commission based on the success of the campaign, such as the number of leads generated or sales made.

5. Performance-Based

Some ad agencies opt for a performance-based pricing model, where their compensation is tied to the results of the advertising campaign. The agency and client agree on specific metrics, such as conversions, click-through rates, or revenue generated, and the agency receives compensation based on achieving these goals. Performance-based pricing aligns the agency's incentives with the client's desired outcomes, promoting a results-oriented approach.

It's important for businesses to discuss and agree upon the billing method with the ad agency before engaging their services. This ensures transparency, clarity, and a mutual understanding of the financial arrangements between both parties. 

What are Advertising Agencies on Subscription?

Advertising agencies on a subscription, also known as subscription-based ad agencies, have introduced a modern approach to advertising. Unlike the traditional project-based model, these agencies marketing services through subscription plans. Businesses can sign up for a monthly or annual subscription and gain access to a range of advertising services provided by the agency. With a subscription-based ad agency, businesses can enjoy consistent support and collaboration with a team of experts who specialize in various aspects of marketing. By opting for an ad agency on a subscription, businesses can streamline their marketing efforts, maintain better budget control, and benefit from the expertise of professionals who are dedicated to their success.

Understanding Subscription-Based Ad Agency Pricing

Subscription-based pricing models have gained popularity across many industries, and the advertising sector is no exception. Unlike the conventional project-based approach, where agencies charge a fixed fee for each campaign, ad agencies on subscription offer ongoing services for a monthly or annual fee. This model allows businesses to access a wide range of advertising services consistently, fostering a collaborative and long-term partnership with the agency.

One of the significant advantages of ad agencies on subscription is the flexibility and scalability. By picking a subscription model, businesses can adapt their advertising strategies as their needs change. Whether it's scaling up during peak seasons or adjusting the campaign focus, subscription-based agencies offer the agility required to stay ahead in a rapidly changing marketplace. This flexibility allows businesses to align their marketing efforts with their overall objectives without being bound by the constraints of individual projects. Clients can easily upgrade or downgrade their plans with just a few clicks.

The subscription-based pricing model can be a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes. Unlike project-based pricing, where agencies charge a fixed fee per campaign, subscription models often offer tiered pricing plans based on the level of services required. This means that businesses can choose a subscription package that aligns with their budget and marketing goals. Additionally, the predictable monthly or annual fee allows for better financial planning and avoids unexpected spikes in advertising costs.

Ad agencies on subscription foster a partnership-oriented approach, working closely with businesses to achieve their advertising objectives. By choosing a subscription-based agreement, businesses gain access to a dedicated team of professionals who become familiar with their brand, industry, and target audience. This relationship encourages ongoing communication, idea exchange, and continuous improvement of marketing strategies. With regular reporting and feedback sessions, businesses can monitor the progress of their campaigns, make data-driven decisions, and optimize their marketing efforts for maximum impact.

Pricing Models Advertising Agencies on Subscription Use

Ad agencies on subscription have revolutionized the way businesses approach their advertising and marketing efforts. These agencies offer a variety of pricing strategies to cater to the diverse needs of their clients. Let's explore some of the common pricing models used by ad agencies on subscription:

1. Tiered Pricing

Many ad agencies on subscription offer tiered pricing plans based on the level of services required. These plans typically come in different levels, such as basic, standard, and premium. Each tier offers a specific set of services and features, allowing businesses to choose the plan that aligns with their budget and advertising goals. The tiered pricing strategy allows businesses to have the flexibility to start with a basic package and upgrade as their needs grow.

2. Customized Packages

Some ad agencies on subscription provide customized pricing packages tailored to the unique requirements of each client. This approach allows businesses to select specific services and create a package that suits their marketing objectives. By customizing the package, businesses have more control over their advertising budget and can focus on the areas that are most relevant to their business.

3. Fixed Monthly Fee

Another common pricing strategy is the fixed monthly fee model. In this approach, ad agencies charge a flat amount each month for their services. This pricing model offers businesses a predictable advertising cost, enabling better financial planning and budgeting. It is particularly beneficial for businesses with steady advertising needs who prefer a consistent monthly expense. For example, Presnt offers fixed monthly pricing. In each plan, you get access to all of our services. Read more about how Presnt works here.

Ad Agency on Subscription Pricing vs. Traditional Agencies

When comparing the pricing models of subscription-based ad agencies and traditional agencies, there are some important differences to consider. Subscription-based ad agencies, also known as ad agencies on subscription, offer a unique approach to pricing. These agencies typically provide ongoing marketing support through monthly or annual subscription plans, offering businesses access to a range of services at a fixed cost. This model brings advantages such as cost predictability, flexibility, and a collaborative partnership. 

In contrast, traditional agencies often charge clients on a project-by-project basis, estimating the time and resources required for each specific campaign. While this approach allows for customization and a one-time payment structure, it may result in unpredictable costs and limited ongoing support. Subscription-based ad agencies provide a consistent approach, adapting to the evolving needs of businesses and fostering long-term relationships. This pricing model offers businesses a more accessible entry point, budget control, and access to a team of experts without the financial constraints of individual projects.


In summary, ad agencies on subscription have revolutionized the way businesses approach advertising services. With their flexible pricing models, businesses can benefit from ongoing support, cost predictability, and a collaborative partnership with experts in advertising. Whether it's through retainer fees, project-based pricing, hourly rates, commission-based models, or performance-based agreements, ad agencies offer various options to cater to different business needs. However, the subscription-based model stands out for its consistency, scalability, and access to a dedicated team of professionals. As the advertising landscape continues to evolve, businesses can explore the advantages of ad agencies on subscription to streamline their marketing efforts and achieve their goals effectively.

Published on: 25/06/2023   Last Updated: 29/09/2023

About the author

stefan bulatovic
Founder & CEO of Presnt

Stefan is a marketer with 8 years of experience of working with various B2C and B2B brands.


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